How to view nofollow links in a web page

If you ever want to check your friend, who just wrote some awesome blog post about your website and also posted a link to it, if you want to see if he is worthy enough for the next hangout with some beers, here it is how to instantly check if he used rel=”nofollow” attribute when he posted your link…

Drag this button to your browser’s bookmark bar and click it whenever you want to see all nofollow links on a webpage:

View Nofollow links

The code used for this trick is:

javascript:function highlightNofollow(){var newStyle=document.createElement('style');newStyle.type='text/css';newStyle.appendChild(document.createTextNode('a[rel~=nofollow]{border:1px dashed #852!%20important;background-color:#fcc!%20important;}'));document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(newStyle);};highlightNofollow();



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